Cliff Walk, RI

As we traveled up the East Coast from Pennsylvania to Maine, we wanted to take in as much as we could along the way. After five hours of driving, we decided to take a break and check out the town of Newport, Rhode Island.

With historic mansions of exquisite architecture everywhere, we were already impressed. Ruggles Avenue lead us straight to the oceans edge, where we would take a stroll on the famous Cliff Walk. This destination is a perfect blend of coastal beauty and historic elegance. As you stroll along the 3.5 mile path, the sound of the Altantic waves crashing against the rocky shoreline remind you that you are never truly alone. To one side, a vast expansive ocean stretches out before you. On the other side, the majestic Gilded Age mansions peek through manicured gardens.

The smooth cement pathway guided us just above the sea walls with a new panoramic view in each step. This little gazebo was at the edge of a grand estate just above our heads.

Cliff Walk Gazebo Newport RI

We walked further and further as we listened to the waves crashing on the boulders below. Seagulls called overhead, and a salt breeze carried the scent of the sea, making the air refreshing and cleansed. It was interesting to see how the geography of the Oceanside changed as we traveled through these northern states. From sandy beaches in New Jersey to the rugged rocky coastlines in Rhode Island.

Portions of the walk are well-paved, while other sections wind over rocky terrain, adding a touch of adventure to the otherwise leisurely place.

Joseph Ledonne Flower

     The path was surrounded by lots of beautiful plant life with my personal favorite being the beach rose (Rosa Rugosa)

Newport Rhode Island

Capturing the beautiful dance between rigid elegance, intermixing so gracefully. 

This was the perfect little stop along our journey and one we would recommend to anyone looking for a peaceful walk. An easy walk and a great place to enjoy the day!


Two Lights Shoreline, Maine